From the desk of your Treasurer

Dear Learner

I think education is essential for developing great citizens who in turn build a powerful country. Schools both instruct and educate. By taking up a central position in a person's life, they instill ideals that give significance and strength to their character. .

Children have untapped potential that the school recognises and supports in both academic and extracurricular areas. Our priority is always the whole development of the child and fostering their sense of self-worth.

In the receptive brains of the young, teachers are like raindrops of knowledge. They serve as fortifying towers and beacon lights. The best of them are those who put our vision for education into practise. Our outcomes speak to their steadfastness in pursuing greatness year after year as they invest their time and energy with patience and love to encourage the kids to excel in their endeavours.

- Mr. Subramaniam - Treasurer